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The workshop offers ideas to develop group creativity and team spirit and gives space to meet and work together without the barriers of habit and ranking.

The day will be spent outside. Every group will get the challenge to design their own sculpture, find in the surrounding nature the needed material, and assemble it.  Of course all for the appreciation of the great fire fairy.

In the atmospheric final ceremony, the teams will set their creation on fire. Upon various categories, the great fire fairy will choose her favorites and honor them.

Safety is a very important aspect of our work. We give thorough instructions, how to handle fire, and follow fire safety rules.

Location: Luidja Tsirkusetalu in Hiiumaa or fire-suitable venue of Your choice 
Time:  3 - 6 hours 
Language: Estonian, English 
Group size: up to 24 persons





state official

„Fire in itself is mystical and somehow holy. It is unusual and makes you feel special. Always when I leave the fire events, I have such a festive feeling for quite a long time afterwards."




special pedagogue creative therapist

„The first thing that comes to my mind is, that I have always liked the people, who want to do fire. They are just very cool. And I guess it is important, that fire helps or teaches how to control better your movements and body. In my everyday life I have to be on stage quite often and perform. Fire has taught me to concentrate on the important things. Fire is as a partner, who demands very intensive attention. So yes, I have learned to concentrate and gained some courage to perform from a very different or new angle.“

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